
DC Energy Meter applied in Photovoltaic Energy Storage System in Korea

2021年07月22日 10:28点击:505来源:安科瑞电气股份有限公司>>进入该公司展台

Abstract: Under the development trend of building electrification, the energy consumption of buildings continues to increase.In order to reduce building energy consumption and promote energy conservation and emission reduction, renewable energy needs to be widely used.Distributed photovoltaic (PV) is one of the most suitable renewable energy sources for buildings. The PV system can generate electricity and consume locally on the building, and reduce the cooling and heating load of the building, thus reducing the energy consumption of the building.The photovoltaic system, power supply system and energy demand of photovoltaic buildings need overall planning and design.


1.Project overview
  With the progress of energy storage technology and the reduction of cost, photovoltaic buildings with low-voltage DC power supply technology and energy storage system will become energy producers.A PV energy storage project in South Korea adopts low-voltage DC power supply. A batch of PZ72L-DE/C DC meters of our company are purchased and matched with shunt for application in this project.


2. Product introduction

  PZ series intelligent DC energy meter is designed for applications such as DC panels, solar power, telecommunications base stations, and charging posts. This series of instruments can measure voltage, current, power, forward and reverse power in DC system. It can be used for local display, and connected with industrial control equipment, computers, form a measurement and control system. And it has a variety of external excuse functions for the user to choose: RS485 communication interface, Modbus-RTU protocol, relay alarm output, digital input/output.

  According to different requirements, through the instrument panel keys, you can set the ratio, communication parameters.



4.Technical Features


5. Network topology

6.Photo on-site

1.Solutions for enterprise micro-grid system 

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