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深圳市汉斯福特科技有限公司>>称重传感器>>仪器仪表>>PR6207赛多利斯 PR6207 波纹管称重传感器

赛多利斯 PR6207 波纹管称重传感器

  • 赛多利斯 PR6207 波纹管称重传感器

参考价 面议
  • 型号 PR6207
  • 品牌
  • 厂商性质 代理商
  • 所在地 深圳市

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更新时间:2018-03-28 16:04:20浏览次数:555




产地 进口 售后保修期 12个月
销售区域 全国    
The load cell PR6207 is specially designed for tank and hopper weighing and for the use in platform scales or belt weighers. The design principle of the mounting kit
PR6007 will counterbalance moveme


10kg… 200kg Type D1/C3

1. Easy to install

2. Full stainless steel construction

3. Wide temperature range

4. Resistant against vibration

5. Hermetically sealed, IP 67

6. Compatible with other sources

称重传感器实际上是一种将质量信号转变为可测量的电信号输出的装置也被成为测力传感器 、力传感器重量感应器等等用传感器应先要考虑传感器所处的实际工作环境这点对正确选用称重传感器至关重要它关系到传感器能否正常工作以及它的安全和使用寿命乃至整个衡器 的可靠性和安全性在称重传感器主要技术指标的基本概念和评价方法上新旧国标有质的差异主要有S悬臂型轮辐式板环式膜盒式桥式柱筒式等几种样式



D1 C3

Accuracy class 0.05 0.017 % Emax

Minimum dead load lowest limit of specified measuring range Emin 0 0 % Emax

Maximum capacity highest limit of specified measuring range Emax s. table s. table

Max. side load (x) highest limit of static load in x-direction Llqx 200 200 % Emax

Max. side load (z) highest limit of static load in z-direction Llqz 200 200 % Emax

Min. LC verification interval minimum load cell verification interval, vmin = Emax /Y Y 2.778 11.111

Rated output relative output at nominal load Cn 2 2 mV/V

Tolerance on rated output permissible deviation from rated output dc < (+1.0 - 0.1) < 0.1 % Cn

Zero output signal load cell output signal under unloaded condition Smin < 1.0 < 1.0 % Cn

Repeatability error max. change in load cell output for repeated loading εR < 0.03 < 0.01 % Cn

Creep, during 30min. max. change in load cell output under nominal load dcr < 0.05 < 0.017 % Cn

Non-Linearity max. deviation from best straight line through zero dLin < 0.05 < 0.017 % Cn

Hysteresis max. difference in load cell output when loading from dhy < 0.05 < 0.018 % Cn

Temperature effect on Smin max. change of Smin/10K over BT TKSmin < 0.05 < 0.013 % Cn/10K

Temperature effect on C max. change of C /10K over BT TKc < 0.05 < 0.008 % Cn/10K

Input impedance between supply terminals RLC 350… 480 350… 480 ¥

Output impedance between measuring terminals RO 356 ± 0.2 356 ± 0.12 ¥

Insulation impedance between measuring circuit and housing at 100VDC RIS > 5.000 x 106 > 5.000 x 106 ¥

Recommended supply voltage to hold the specified performance Bu 4… 12 4... 12 V

Max. supply voltage permissible for continuous operation without damage Umax 18 18 V

Nominal ambient temp. range to hold the specified performance BT -10... +70 -10... +70 °C

Usable ambient temp. range permissible for continuous operation without damage BTu -30… +70 -30… +70 °C

Storage temperature range Transportation and storage BTl -50… +85 -50... +85 °C



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