公司简介  / ABOUT US


本公司拥有中国台湾的*技术与管理经验,尤其是在铣床制造业具有雄厚的中国台湾技术力量队伍、管理经验、的技术骨干。公司全体员工秉着精益求精,不断提升产品质量,开发新的精密度更高的产品。公司产品远欧美和东南亚,享誉良好的口碑。并在全国各地均设有办事处。“铸就更高凭质量,取信于天下用户”是永裕昌机械制造者的立志铭。永裕昌竭诚为国内外新老客户服务 ,让永裕昌C.M.P的高质量、高精度产品在国内外市场发扬光大

Yong Yu Chang (Putian) Machinery Making Co., Ltd establish in the end of 1997. As an enterprise with sole investment from Taiwan which dedicated to manufacture of Machine Tool. We have Milling Machine, CNC Milling Machine, Radial Milling Machine, Bench Milling Machine, Vertical and Horizontal Milling Machine, Radial Drilling Machine, Grinding Machine, and complete specifications milling head and so on. We have got consistent high praise in the domestic and overseas markets.

Our company has Taiwanese advanced technology and management experience, in especial, we have an excellent team with powerful Taiwanese technology strength, rich management experience and top technological talents in the milling machine manufacturing. We continuously improve product quality, to develop new precision higher products. Our products have exported to Europe and America, Southeast Asia and have enjoyed good reputation. Company’s offices are distributed all over the country. Insisting on the motto ‘Creating High-Quality Products to Satisfy All Consumers’. Yong Yu Chang will wholeheartedly service for the domestic and overseas customers. Hope Yong Yu Chang (brand: CMP) high-quality and high-precision products will carry forward in both domestic and overseas market.

工商信息Business information
经营状态 存续 天眼评分


注册资本 15万美元 人员规模 小于50人
实缴资本 工商注册号 350300400004830 组织机构代码 61126097-9
统一社会信用代码 91350303611260979D 纳税人识别号 91350303611260979D 营业期限
企业类型 有限责任公司(港澳台法人独资) 行业 通用设备制造业 核准日期
参保人数 7 登记机关 莆田市市场监督管理局
曾用名 英文别称 Yongyuchang(Putian)Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.
注册地址 莆田市涵江区江口镇石庭开发区
经营范围 一般项目:金属切削机床制造;机床功能部件及附件制造;机械设备研发;数控机床制造。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)
股东信息Shareholder information
序号 股东(发起人) 持股比例 认缴出资额 认缴出资日期
100% 15万元 2001-07-16
专利信息Patent Information
序号 申请日 专利名称 专利类型 申请号 公开(公布)号 公开(公告)日




资质证书qualification certificate
证书图片 名称 发证机构 生效日期 截止日期  
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